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letters of thanks中文是什么意思

用"letters of thanks"造句"letters of thanks"怎么读"letters of thanks" in a sentence


  • 感谢信


  • Oidlum now moved that a letter of thanks and a fee of fifty pounds be voted to mr. wireman .
  • Soon thereafter mom sent out her letters of thanks
  • I ' m writing a letter of thanks to them
  • I received your letter of thanks and am happy to know that you are satisfied with your successful study tour
  • He took leave of his relations at longbourn with as much solemnity as before ; wished his fair cousins health and happiness again , and promised their father another letter of thanks
  • I wrote next a letter of thanks to my two trustees , with all the acknowledgment that so much justice and honesty call d for ; as for sending them any present , they were far above having any occasion of it
  • The promised letter of thanks from mr . collins arrived on tuesday , addressed to their father , and written with all the solemnity of gratitude which a twelvemonth s abode in the family might have prompted
  • He presented letters of thanks to observatory staff who had contributed to the development and operation of the two world weather websites of wmo , namely the wwis and the severe weather information centre
  • He presented letters of thanks to observatory staff who had contributed to the development and operation of the two world weather websites of wmo , namely the wwis and the severe weather information centre ( swic )
  • " believe me , my dear sir , my gratitude is warmly excited by such affectionate attention ; and depend upon it , you will speedily receive from me a letter of thanks for this , as well as for every other mark of your regard during my stay in hertfordshire
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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